Thought for today




Hebrews 1:3

‘The Son is the radiance of God’s glory and the exact representation of His being, sustaining all things by His powerful word.’

–  Ultimately the Lord is our sustainer.
–  He sustains all things and that includes you.
–  His Word is powerful and it has the power to hold you up.
–  He will lift you up, He will carry you and He will sustain you.

Prayer: Lord, I recognize that You are the one who carries and sustains me each and every day. May I find my security in You alone. Amen.


Hebrews 1:3

‘The Son is the radiance of God’s glory and the exact representation of His being, sustaining all things by His powerful word.’

–  Ultimately the Lord is our sustainer.
–  He sustains all things and that includes you.
–  His Word is powerful and it has the power to hold you up.
–  He will lift you up, He will carry you and He will sustain you.

Prayer: Lord, I recognize that You are the one who carries and sustains me each and every day. May I find my security in You alone. Amen.


希伯来书 1:3

他是 神荣耀所发的光辉,是 神本体的真像,常用他权能的命令托住万有。他洗净了人的罪,就坐在高天至大者的右边。

–  最终是主来托住我们
–  祂托住万有也包括你
–  祂的话语是有能力的并且这能力可以支撑你
–  祂要高举你,祂也要支持和托住你



Hebreos 1:3

”El Hijo es el resplandor de la gloria de Dios, la fiel imagen de lo que él es, y el que sostiene todas las cosas con su palabra poderosa.”

–  En última instancia, el Señor es nuestro sustento.
–  Él provee todo, y eso te incluye a ti.
–  Su Palabra es poderosa y tiene el poder de sostenerte.
–  Él te levantará, te cargará y te sostendrá.

Oración: Señor, reconozco que eres Tú quien me lleva y sostiene cada día. Que yo encuentre mi seguridad solamente en Ti. Amén.


İbraniler 1:3

‘Oğul, Tanrı yüceliğinin parıltısı, O’nun varlığının öz görünümüdür. Güçlü sözüyle her şeyi devam ettirir.’

–  Eninde sonunda Rab bizi ayakta tutar.
–  O her şeyi devam ettirir ve siz de buna dahilsiniz.
–  O’nun sözü güçlüdür ve size kaldıracak güce sahiptir.
–  O size kaldıracak, taşıyacak ve devam ettirecektir.

Dua: Rab’bim, beni her bir gün taşıyanın ve devam ettirenin Sen olduğunu kabul ediyorum. Dua ederim ki sadece Sen’de emniyetimi bulayım. Amin.


Hebrews 1:3

‘Izy koa no famirapiratan’ny voninahiny sy endriky ny tenany indrindra ary mihazona ny zavatra rehetra amin’ny herin’ny teniny;’

–  Andriamanitra tokoa no mihazona ny zavatra rehetra.
–  Izy no mihazona ny zavatra rehetra ary ao anatin’izany ianao.
–  Mahery indrindra ny teniny ary manan-kery hihazona ny zavatra rehetra izay mikasika sy ny momba anao izany teniny izany .
–  Hanangana anao Izy,  hitantana , hitondra anao ary hihazona anao.

Vavaka: Tompo Andriamanitra ô, fantatro fa Ianao Ilay mihazona sy mitondra ahy isanandro . Ho Aminao irery ihany Tompo  ô, no ahafahako hitoetra tsy hanana ahiahy. Amen