Thought for today



Joshua 1:3

‘Every place that the sole of your foot will tread upon I have given to you…’

  • God’s purposes and promises for you will be fulfilled.
  • He wants you to enter into the Promised Land He has for you.
  • Nothing that He has promised will be withheld.
  • Claim His promises and believe that they will be given to you.

Prayer: Lord, I believe that You have prepared great things for me. I step forward and claim Your promises for my life. Amen.


Josua 1:3

‘Elke plek waar julle voetsool op sal trap, dit gee Ek aan julle, …’

  • God se doel en beloftes vir jou sal vervul word.
  • Hy wil hê dat jy die Beloofde Land wat hy vir jou het, moet ingaan.
  • Niks wat Hy belowe het sal teruggehou word nie.
  • Eis Sy beloftes op en glo dat hulle vir jou gegee sal word.

Gebed:Vader, ek glo dat U groot dinge vir my vooberei het. Ek tree vorentoe en aanvaar U beloftes vir my lewe. Amen.